Once a cause has communicated their needs we’ll determine the best team to put together. We’ll send out a Crew Beacon to who we’ve determined to be well matched for this cause. Our intention is to have the crew<>cause connection happen behind the scenes - or more specifically as an automated content matching system (CMS) so we know very quickly which crew members are best matched with what cause. This is something we’ll be implementing once we have the proper funding in place.


Once we’ve made contact with and assembled the crew we’ll make an introductory call with the necessary crew members (producer, director and other key creatives) and cause leaders. From here we’ll be able to determine how hands-off the CFC team can be, or how closely we’ll have to project manage the production. In the beginning it’ll be best for our learning purposes to be on all calls and CC’d on all correspondence, but it’s likely this will change the more we understand the needs of everyone involved.